Everybody knows 1st dates are a bit un-nerving. But, by choosing a decent spot to meet in the first place, may help to ease those nerves a little bit. Also, you may want to brush up on some of the local news and current events going on in the area beforehand. These are usually great conversation starters and should make you feel more confident and knowledgeable during conversation. Listed below, are the most common 1st date ideas.
LUNCH— a great idea, as this is a step above going out for coffee, and not as long or expensive as a dinner would cost. Also, lunch would be during daylight hours. So, if your lunch date was not as great as you have envisioned, there is still the rest of the day to do whatever you may have to do. Or, on a more positive note, if your lunch date has worked out as well as you thought, you still have much of that same day left to spend even more time with each other!
DRINKS? Well that depends on how you feel about your communication between each other until now. I mean, if you’ve recently met each other through texting, there may be some safety concerns I might be worried about. Also, with the ambiguity of sharing time with someone you met through a couple of text messages and shared interests, this might be a little too soon for that. But, that’s your call.
DINNER— I prefer to leave this setting alone, until I have already met that person previously. Nothing to me is more awkward and overwhelming than having to spend hours with someone I don’t even know and may not even like, after a short period of time into the date! I’ve been in that situation, as you too may have been, and I personally think it’s not fair to myself or the person that’s about to pay for that date. Leave this setting reserved for someone you’ve met previously, and perhaps may have already been considering a romantic relationship with.
Now, armed with some first date ideas, here are some other tips before you go on that date:
Again, brush up on local news
Exercise leading up to the day of the date–go for a walk or jog
Layout your selection of clothes the day “before” the day of the date. This way you can make your final decision based on that day and the mood you are in. Also, be sure to check for any “would-be” embarrassing stains.
If you’re a woman:
Check your scent—smell yourself… men love a clean smell!
Lipstick… you might want to try lip-stain instead. It lasts longer.
Wash your hair…you don’t want him to lean over & smell a bad hair odor
Mascara, Mascara, Mascara… men love mascara
If you’re a man:
Lip Balm–guys, there’s nothing more unattractive than wrinkly, cracked, dried-out lips!
Take a shower…Comb your hair….Put on some deodorant!
Brush your teeth!
Now that we all know how to prepare and what to do for our 1st date, here’s some last minute checks before going out the door:
Breath Check—very important! Breathe into your hand and smell it! What do you think? Get some mints for later also.
Lipstick Check–a must-do to avoid having lipstick stains on your teeth later. Here’s how…with your lipstick already on, stick your forefinger in your mouth, wrap your lips around your finger, then pull your finger out. If you see lipstick on your finger, that is what will show up on your teeth sometime throughout your date. Don’t forget the lipstick check!
Body Smell Test–smell yourself…armpits, hair, etc… remember you must smell clean, clean, clean all over!!
Positive Attitude–Happy thoughts & Happy Dating!